Earlier today we discussed various methods, but have settled on the following scheme:
- Instructions may be of various lengths, to terminate an instruction a semicolon must be present. After a semicolon in a sequential string is reached the next character is the start of the next instruction.
- All requests come from the user. This includes sending motor direction and speed to the tank, and requesting distance data. (The distance data is considered to be of a lower priority than updating the motors).
- Location: ``R'' for `right'. ``L'' for `left'. ``F'' for front. ``B'' for `back'.
- Component: ``M'' for `motor'. ``S'' for `sensor'.
- Request: ``?'' for `request'.
- Adjective: ``f'' for `forward'. ``r'' for `reverse'.
- Decimal value: integers are allowed to represent decimal values.
- Location must come first during instruction; unless it is a request, then both sensors are sent back.
- Component always follows the location.
- This may be followed by an adjective.
- And can be followed by a decimal value.
- Must end with semicolon;
This reads as ``R''ight ``M''otor ``f''orward with pulse width at decimal 255.
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